
Star-CCM+ is used to simulate designs and prodcuts under real world conditions. Copy and edit file to suit your needs. Below is a sample script that can run the program.

The file below is an sbatch script.  A copy of this file is stored in /shared/hpc/sample-job-scripts/

Copy this script to to your work directory and rename it. Then you will need to edit the file to suit your needs. You can also edit the number of processors, nodes, and run time requested with this script.

#  This is a sample job script for running STAR-CCM+
#SBATCH -J MyJobName
#SBATCH -D /work/mygroup/myproject
#SBATCH -N 4             # Number of nodes
#SBATCH -n 64            # Number of processors across all nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --partition=freecompute
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
#SBATCH --error=MyJobName.%j.error
#SBATCH --output=MyJobName.%j.output

cd  /work/mygroup/myproject

# The commands below gets the list of compute nodes allocated to this job by Slurm and
# uses it to create a simple machine file which is just the list of compute nodes for
# this job.

scontrol show hostname $SLURM_NODELIST > $MACHINEFILE

# Set the path to the STAR-CCM+ simulation file:

# Purge any loaded modules
module purge

# Load the starccm module.  Note: to see what versions are available, Type the command:

module load starccm/14.04.011-R8

# Use the following form for launching starccm+ if you use a Java script in addition to
# the simulation .sim file:
starccm+ -batch -np 60 -machinefile $MACHINEFILE $SIMFILEPATH

# Use the following for the launching starccm+ if you don't use a Java script to run the simulation:

starccm+ -batch -np 60 -machinefile $MACHINEFILE $SIMFILEPATH

module purge