Who Can Use Nova

PIs who have purchased nodes and storage can use the Nova cluster. PIs manage access for users in their groups via https://asw.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/acropolis/list/members. PIs from LAS can do that at https://diy.las.iastate.edu/listman/manage .

Additionally, some Colleges have purchased nodes and storage to allocate to researchers in their units. They manage access for college users.

For this, the following contacts are known:

  • College of LAS: researchit@iastate.edu
  • Ivy College of Business: Scott Johnson (sgj68@iastate.edu)


Finally, the 2021 expansion included 4 nodes for use by the broader campus community.  Access to the community resources may be requested by submitting the access-request form.  


If you're interested in purchasing nodes and storage on the Nova cluster, please submit the Nova Cluster Purchase Form (need to be logged into Okta in order to access the form).