Instructor Training Workshop July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023

NSF-CDER Instructor Training Workshop on

Integrating Parallel & Distributed Computing in Introductory Computer Engineering and Computer Science Classes


July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge


For Instructors teaching beginning Computer Engineering and/or Computer Science Courses

(for example, digital logic, CS 1 or 2 (first programming), data structures, discrete math etc.).


The workshop will feature Hands-on modules for PDC integration that help to

     Prepare students for the modern workforce

     Network with other instructors

     Provide opportunities to publish your work



$5000 STIPEND for qualified applicants

Expenses for the workshop (travel, room and board) should be easily covered by the stipend. There is NO separate cost to attend the workshop.

(Application and Details at



For more information contact

R. Vaidyanathan:

Sushil Prasad:

Sheikh Ghafoor: 

Charles Weems: