TACC Remote workshop on containers on March 6th, 2020

Containers @ TACC - 6 March, 2020 9pm-3pm

From: Jason Allison

We are pleased to announce the Containers @ TACC Training being held on March 6th, 2020 from 9am to 3pm CT.


Software containers are an important common currency for portable and reproducible computing.  Learn best practices on building, using, and sharing Docker and Singularity containers in this hands-on workshop.  Also learn how to run those containers on TACC HPC systems, including MPI and GPU aware containers.


This training is available to both in-person and remote attendees via webcast. Local participants are strongly encouraged to attend in-person.


Registration for this event closes at 5pm CT on March 4th, 2020. To register and for more information please visit:



Please email jasona@tacc.utexas.edu if you have any questions.