Location of materials /ptmp/containers-workshop-october-2021 Create your directory in /ptmp mkdir -p /ptmp/$USER OpenMPI - Prime module load gcc/7.3.0-xegsmw4 openmpi module load singularity mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS ./prime_mpi mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS singularity exec openmpi_4.0.2.sif ./prime_mpi Singularity PULL export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=$TMPDIR export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=$TMPDIR singularity pull docker://gcc:8.3.0 Singularity EXEC which gcc; gcc --version singularity exec gcc_8.3.0.sif gcc --version Singularity + MPI export SINGULARITY_BIND=/ptmp,$TMPDIR module load gcc/7.3.0-xegsmw4 openmpi mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS singularity exec openmpi_4.0.2.sif ./hello_mpi DEMO salloc -N1 -n4 -t30 # Allocate a regular compute node salloc -N1 -n4 -pgpu --gres=gpu:1 -t30 # Allocate a GPU node GCC singularity exec -B /ptmp gcc 8.3.0 sif gcc hello.c -o hello TENSORFLOW singularity exec -B /ptmp tensorflow_2.1.0-gpu.sif python tf-test.py # No GPU singularity exec --nv -B /ptmp tensorflow_2.1.0-gpu.sif python tf-test.py # With GPU HISAT2 cp -r /ptmp/containers-workshop-october-2021/hisat2 . cd hisat2 mkdir HS_out module load parallel module load singularity singularity exec -B /ptmp hisat2_2.2.1.sif hisat2-build Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.dna.chromosome.1.fa At_chr1 parallel -j 4 "singularity exec -B /ptmp hisat2_2.2.1.sif hisat2 -p 4 -x At_chr1 -1 {1} -2 {2} -S HS_out/{1/.}.sam >& HS_out/{1/.}.log" ::: samples/*_1.* :::+ samples/*_2.*